There are many reasons why the IDF came about. For years we wanted a real and legitimately accountable structure, we wanted to end the one man show, we want to bring economies of scale to our sport and direct funding to our riders and our events. We wanted to raise the professionalism for our members and utilise the skills that permeate across our sport but that have been under utilised for years. Some of these things we have succeeded at and some things are a work in progress but one of the really core reasons behind the IDF was to make better events. Nobody has a magic wand but over time and with the right stewardship, structure and support, this is the core goal of the IDF. Better events means a better deal for the riders (our members). Better event means looking for better hills, tracks never raced before, and tracks everybody wants to race again. In the future this will mean brand new events, new hills, new locations and importantly new event organizers.
Putting on a major downhill event is serious business, its not something you learn overnight but if an event organizer is serious about getting it right and getting it right the first time than the IDF is here to support you. Some of these events run under the IDF banner and some don't which is irrelevant to us as the goal stays the same. We have spent some serious time on this Event Guide to give those aspiring to bring better events and a better future for our sport a basic set of guidelines and structure that follows the best practice of event organizers around the world. The IDF Event Guide is a foundation document but it is a fluid document that will be constantly revised.
We are releasing this document now to give event organizers across the world some guidance and support in putting on the best downhill events they can. No matter what teams colors you fly better events mean a better deal for riders, and riders are the core members of the IDF. The IDF is a very accountable body, if an event does not go to plan it would be something we would acknowledge, its something we take very seriously, not to lay blame but with the view towards constant improvement. We certainly don't run every event we sanction but we will be there to provide as much support as we can. We don't do this just in words we do this in deeds, and we will always spread the knowledge and utilize the skills inherent in the people that give up so much of their free time to work for the IDF and the members both riders and event organizers that make up the International Downhill Federation.
So please share this document around, offer suggestions on ways you think great events should be run and remember to join the event organizers group so we can collaborate on and breed the next generation of great events. These people need support because this thankless but immensely fulfilling task is one of the most critical elements for the IDF to foster and for the downhill community to thrive.