Are you already a member?
Unless you cancelled before, memberships are auto-renewed each year, which means you only have to join once. If you login, you can see your member status on your profile page. If you don't have access to your profile, please read this explanation.
IMPORTANT: If you were a member before, DO NOT sign up for a new account! You have one already, although you might not be aware of this.
Are you an ex-member that wants to rejoin?
When we moved to this new site, an account was created for every rider who has been an IDF member. It was registered with the email address you used for the old IDF website (and a randomly generated password).
You can reset/retrieve this password, then login to your account and from there you can renew your membership from your profile page.
You can search for yourself in our member directory.
Do you want to join?
Fill out the form below and click the Paypal button. It will take you to Paypal where you can pay for your membership. If you successfully pay the fee, your user account/id will be created, which allows you to register for events.
Please do NOT use Iragana, Katakana and Kanji characters !
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="1" ccaps="" desc="IDF membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="30.00" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="2" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="" captcha="0" /]