Don't forget that registration begins on 27th April for Kozakov, at 9PM (CEST). Open Registration will close on the 20th July, at 9pm or until all rider places are filled, whichever is first. The number of registration places available will be awarded on a first come, first served basis

This post is related to Kozakov Challenge 2013
I am Cyrille Harnay aka Komakino. I started Downhill racing in 2004. Created the Bordeaux Longskate Club, organized Hautacam freerides (2004 to 2007), IGSA World cup Peyragudes Deluxe cup (2008-2009) and IDF Peyragudes Never Dies World Cup (2012-2013-2014). Helped the IGSA as European Director (2007 to 2012) and then Founded the IDF. IDF President (2012-2017), still skateboarding, and volunteering for the IDF from time to time.