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Riders list Lago Cerrillo Downhill 2014 - International Downhill Federation

Riders list

# Name
1. Julian Rodriguez (US)
2. Carl Pitre (PR)
3. Abdiel Ramos Hernández (PR)
4. Antonio Mojica (PR)
5. Luis Vargas (PR)
6. Byron Cruz Ramos (PR)
7. Carlos Mojena (US)
8. Armando Ramos Hernández (PR)
9. Jared Beers (US)
10. Luis Acevedo (US)
11. Greg Paproski (US)
12. Kai Monroe (US)
13. Alexander Diaz Ortega (PR)
14. Kris Vazquez (US)
15. David Ramirez (US)
16. Alexander Rivera (PR)
17. Erick Cuevas (US)
18. Dejaune Jones-Norman (US)
19. David Dean (US)
20. Frank Williams (US)
21. Mike Paproski (US)
22. Peter Morin (US)
23. Shiatanael Hernandez (PR)
24. Kenneth Lopez (PR)
25. Samual Ettorre (US)
26. David Aparicio (US)
27. Gabriel Martinez (PR)
28. Colin Paon (CA)
29. Kenneth Barreto (PR)
30. Johnathan Rivera Padin (US)
31. Jorge Garcia (VE)
32. Carlos Urrutia (PR)
33. Johnny Orria (US)
34. Aaron Libby (CA)
35. Hugh Johnson (CA)
36. Vito Menendez Herbert (PR)
37. Jose Mojica (US)
38. Luis Alvarez (PR)
39. Curro Alberty (PR)
40. Alexis Rosa (PR)
41. Key Dougherty (US)
42. Jose Perez (PR)
43. Giovanni Mercado (PR)
44. Manuel Anglero (US)
45. Jorge Orozco (US)
46. Douglas Silva (BR)
47. Katie Neilson (CA)
48. Mariela Santiago (PR)
49. Emily Pross (US)
50. Nayhomi Cruz Ramos (PR)
51. Nashley Alameda (PR)
52. Tiara Perez (PR)
53. Valeria Sedano (PE)
54. Keyla Padin (PR)
55. Stephanie Pulliza (PR)
56. Kevin Reimer (CA)
57. Kyle Wester (US)
58. Byron Essert (US)
59. Billy Meiners (US)
60. Zak Maytum (US)
61. Mack Wacey (CA)
62. Calvin Staub (US)
63. Thiago Gomes Lessa (BR)
64. Micah Green (US)
65. Travis Craig (CA)
66. Jose Guzman (PR)
67. Brent Dubendorff (US)
68. William Royce (US)
69. Troy Grenier (CA)
70. Stephen Vaughn (US)
71. Nathaniel Gomez (PR)
72. Pedro Frangulis (BR)
73. Maxwell Kaye (CA)
74. Richard Sanchez (CO)
75. Cody Lux (US)
76. Dariel Rodriguez (PR)
77. Carlos Duran (PR)
78. Gunnar Morin (US)
79. Ryan Ricker (US)
80. Christopher Deida (PR)
81. Jomar Guzman (PR)
82. Jonathan Martinez (FR)